The Palamós Prawn Fishery in good health

MSC Gamba Roja Palamos

The Palamós Prawn Fishery in good health

The red shrimp fishery is in good health.

This was certified during the conference held on March 6 in Palamós (Girona).

The measures used for nearly 20 years are beginning to bear fruit.
Led by the fishermen themselves and with the help of the Brotherhood, the population shows good ecosystem symptoms.
“Fishing less is fishing more” is one of the mottos that the Red Prawn fishing fleet has been using in recent times.

A resource that has improved since the minimum extraction quotas were recorded in 2005. Bad practices brought the state of the population close to collapse.
But the improvements introduced in the arts, the agreed closures and other pioneering measures are becoming noticeable.

There is still much to do, but the example of the red shrimp is a good starting point for other fisheries. Also to apply to many other species with excessive capture pressure. Fishing better and optimizing the resource is the guarantee for the sector to endure and prosper. At Grupo Iberland we have been optimizing the resource and reducing fishing demand for years. An initiative with its own seal that you can find out about at Iberland Green.

From Grupo Iberland we want to thank the Palamós Brotherhood and MSC for the days held and the experiences shared.